Hey there. Goddess Melanie, your supreme and only foot Goddess created a blog so you can follow me with up-to the minute updates of what your Goddess is up to. This blog is my gift to you, get to know ME better, find out about my likes, dislikes, this or that.
If I'm up to something interesting well, this will be your one avenue to find out, subscribe, get updates and read often.
If you leave comments here, groveling, politeness and proper spelling without text-messaging shorthand is expected. Anyone not following these rules will be reprimanded (and not in a good way) so don't test my patience.
The photo from a doubled up stocking pantyhose set I shot the other day,
dare not use it for gratification without permission from me. It was a real big deal as these were a weeks in the making. Remember, I'm always in control. I am the real deal, and I don't tolerate insolent fools.
Never Yours,
Goddess Melanie